Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Paradox: A statement that contradicts it’s self.

The paradox rhetoric device is a statement that contradicts itself, an example of this

would be someone saying, “I always lie” this statement is a paradox because it cannot be

true because if it were it would have to be false.

Examples created by your truly:

1- Rupert says to Bill “I only do well on tests when I don’t study”.

This is a paradox because when you study you tend to do better on tests.

2- Bill says to Rupert “My mother is a virgin”.

This is a paradox because in order to have a son the mother would have had to take part

in intercourse making her not a virgin.

3- What happens when an unstopable force (Tyler Keith) meets an imovable force (cassy osins)?... ok maybe i didn't make this one up but i bet you still cant answer it!

Example from the public:

You always see the paradox “you can’t have peace without war” in the campaigns for the

army and military. This is a paradox because you cannot have peace if you have war.

The author George Orwell (1984) also came up with the paradoxes

"War is peace.""Freedom is slavery.""Ignorance is strength."

Famous paradoxes:

What happens when an unstoppable force meets and immoveable force?

“If you wish to preserve your secret, wrap it up in frankness."(Alexander Smith)

"The swiftest traveler is he that goes afoot."(Henry David Thoreau, Walden)

"A dog growls when it's angry, and wags its tale when it's pleased. Now I growl when I'm pleased and wag my tale when I'm angry."(The Cheshire Cat in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)

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