Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Activity 1.7

Hamlet not only goes through internal transformations, he also goes through external ones as well. Hamlet's external transformation goes as far as the way he looks. Nearing the end of the play Hamlet looses his calm well-respected look when he starts to have more of a complex disturbed look. Gertrude notices Hamlet’s transformations in a negative way assuming he is becoming mad or crazy. While Gertrude thinks this Claudius is aware of Hamlet’s transformation and attempts to have Hamlet killed by poison. Horatio is more understanding and considerate of Hamlet’s transformations and helps him out letting him complete his goals. Hamlets love is disgusted of his changes and ends up taking her own life as a result.Hamlets internal transformations change his view and outtake on a lot of things. His views and morals change throughout the play. He starts putting his priorities first the majority of the time instead of his usual charming way of putting others before himself. Overall internally Hamlet becomes irrational.

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