Monday, January 19, 2009

Debate 1

A vicious and brutal battle took place on Thursday, December 11th, 2008 in Mr. Murray’s ENG 3UE class. What was first supposed to be a debate arguing whether Shakespearean tragedy or Modern tragedy was better quickly turned into a full out brawl between guys and girls. Defending the side of modern tragedy were Justin Sweeney, Ben Cousins and Dawson Lybbert. On the opposing team which were defending Shakespearian tragedies were Stephanie MacDonald, Rebecca Ritchie and last but not least the queen bee of the team Stephanie “the unforgiving” Boucher.
Round one began with the girls quickly getting into the judges (Colton, Seth and Logan) good books with appeal to flattery by wearing fan t-shirts complementing the judges. Unlike the girls the guys let the heat get to them (literally the room was on fire). The guys approach for the introduction was to lighten the mood a little bit with humour; this resulted in unleashing the beat otherwise known as Stephanie Boucher. If there was one thing the male team did not want to do, it was making Stephanie Boucher mad (the guys would have been better off slapping a bear in the face with a steak). Making her angry resulted on attack upon attack on the guys, no matter what left anyone of the guy’s mouth. Justin Sweeney seemed to be at the wrong end of these attacks the most though. At one point Ben Cousins attempted to phase the endless information and facts in Stephanie’s Introduction with calling out “Appeal to boredom” which may either classify as appeal to ridicule, or just a stupid mistake. It seemed like Stephanie Boucher fed off of all the guy’s ad homonyms and fear.
The free for all started and the girls did not let up on their massacre. Even the other two members started to have strong points to throw in against the guys. Although the guys had some decent points to throw in now and then they usually got negated from all the sexist woman jokes that coming out of Dawson’s mouth… yes they came out of the Mormons mouth! These blond and woman jokes really affected the guy’s team in a very negative way, which intend resulted in them not even being able to recover. By the end arguments and conclusions after the free for all the guys had lost all hope (Ben tried to join the other team) because of their sexist antics. Stephanie Boucher and her team of angry females took the gold by a landslide of 24-4 leaving Dawson with out a chance of getting a girl friend ever again, Ben utterly ashamed about partying past and Justin with a very low self esteem.

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