Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Debate 3

Sword fights; threats, deadly stares and much more all were components of a heated debate between John Hughes, Tyler Keith, and Alex Van der mout (negative side) and Adam Young, Mathew Brown and Stuart Gendron. The debate on whether or not Gertrude betrayed Hamlet took place in none other but Mr. Murray’s ENG 3UE classroom. The introduction and opening arguments mostly consisted of ad homonyms and other fallacies instead of cold hard information and facts. Adam was shut up on many occasions just by the fearful look Jon would give him which could be considered appeal to fear. The affirmative side was at a downfall because Alex had a copy of all of Mathew’s notes and new exactly everything he was going to argue about. This allowed Alex to use many fallacies multiple of times such as poisoning the well and straw man.
The negative side seemed to be in the lead going into the free for all but it was anybodies guess what team would take it because of the lack of well thought out arguments. Within the free for all three sword fights broke out, two being between Adam and Tyler (Tyler winning both of them) and one being between Jon and Stuart (Jon one defending his mothers name from Stuart). Mathew and Alex did not sword fight until after the debate, Mathew lost because the difference in wingspan between him and Alex. The concluding arguments followed the pattern of lack of cold hard facts and weak arguments but still consisted of loads of intimidation and fallacies. Although it was a close debate the negative side took the lead by winning over two of the three judges (Stephanie Wilson, Jayme Bedell, and Megan Marshall). It was really anyone’s win up for the grabs but it seemed that the negative sides arguments were stronger and they had the other team very intimidated thanks to Jon.

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